Sunday, July 03, 2011

Tettering on the edge of a miarcle

A teeter-totter placed on the edge of a high cliff. Below lay dangerous sharp faced stone that will cut gashes through flesh if contact is made. Behind lies a desert, wasteland, barren wilderness from which we have come from. Just beyond the cliff on which we stand lies another clif, beyond jumping distance, out of reach. This cliff, a plateau of lush green fields, fruit trees burdened with sustenance, ripe sweet provision. The golden sunlight shines upon the cliff just beyond, the dew glistening on the blades of sweet green grass.

The old life behind, death below and a glorious future ahead. A teeter totter as the only means of escape.

God brings us to a place of teetering. We cannot stay in the barren land. We must not try to jump across on our own. We must step out on faith and believe that God will uphold us with each step we take. We must choose a side. If we choose to live an abundant life of providence and contentment we must obey and walk across the plank that God has set before us.

So we argue with God. “The plank is too narrow for me to walk on. The board is too flimsy; it will break as soon as I put my weight on it. I’m afraid of heights, I’ll surely fall. The distance is too great, I won’t be able to make it. What if the teeter doesn’t make it all the way to the other side? I’ll plunge to my death. There’s got to be some other way, I’ll build my own bridge.” And God says “get up and walk”.

It’s not the most ridiculous thing God has ever asked of anyone. “Go dip yourself seven times in the Jordan. Hold up Moses’ arms. Place your praise team before your army as you go into battle. Walk around the city seven times for seven days. Speak to the rock. Stretch forth your rod. Sacrifice your son.” Obedience is what God expects, requires, it’s what our miracle is dependent on.

So we step out onto the teeter, make it to the middle, standing over the vast expanse of nothingness to our sides, death below, looking back to our safe, familiar impoverished past while taking a glimpse of what is set before us….life.

What will your heart choose to do?

I choose to continue across this plank. I choose life, I choose to obey and latch on to my miracle, to make it happen.

We wait for the supernatural to happen, something to “poof” out of thin air. In reality, we have the ability to MAKE things happen through our faith and obedience to God. He is waiting on you, what are you waiting for….choose the life that is just ahead.


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