Thursday, January 29, 2015

I'm pulling an "It's not fair" card -- even though I've banned them from my deck

I know, life isn't fair, but today, I'm pulling out that card. Yes, a last resort. A whine. A pout.

It's not fair that I have to sit in a waiting room surrounded by seniors -- REALLY  senior, seniors and wait for the same doctors to see my husband that they are waiting for.  Seniors with their grey-haired spouses all gussied up for their most important outing of the day...the doctor visit.

Here I sit with my dark-haired husband, hunched over, dozing off waiting for the doctor.  As his name is called it takes him extra time to get up and out of his chair.  As the medical assistant escorts us down the long hallway, he falls behind because he is unable to walk steadly or quickly.  Same as the other patients called before us.  

We should be here 30 years from now.  Not now.  

I'm afraid we don't have 30 years. 

It's not fair. 


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