Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I wonder?

Ok, I have all these questions in my head. Some silly, some serious. I think I will have lots of entries titled "I wonder?" here's the first of an endless series:

First off, I'm not trying to be mean, offensive, belittle or rude to anyone. I'm not poking fun, this is seriously a question I thought of today, I don’t know why but I did.

Ok, dogs are wonderful creatures….I don’t have any, but I’ve heard that they are intelligent creatures, some more than others. Helper dogs amaze me. Such as Guide dogs for the blind. BUT, here’s my question: what happens when these dogs go poo?

Do these dogs have litter boxes? Do their owners take them out for walks just like any other dog? But when they do their business, who picks it up? The master can’t see. He can’t just leave it there right? He can’t “feel” for it, or does he? Maybe with a glove on? How does he know the dog even left something behind? Well, I guess there’s a smell. Seriously though, how does this work?

Come on; please tell me I’m not the only one who has wondered about this.


Blogger Unknown said...

OMG! You are too funny! My guess, is that it is probably trained to not go in the house. Maybe they pay someone to come over and clean up for them....A POO Remover if you will. LMBO!

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAHAAHAHAHAHA. Okay now "I" must know the answer Rebecca!

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I never, ever thought of that before! So sick. I can see and I hate picking that cr@p up.

They need that invention from Envy....


8:02 PM  

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