Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A friend loveth at all times, and will even pick the lice out for you

I miss my "little" babies. I can’t believe how big and how old my boys are. I had a really rough time when they were little. 3 boys ages 4 and under was HARD! But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love my boys and I’m proud of what they’re becoming….Even if the do write “fff” and send hate mail to each other!

My good friend and church member is having a baby tonight, well at least she’s going to the hospital right now. She’s got two little ones right now 2 & 4, the oldest is a boy and the 2yo is an adorable, feisty little girl, my god daughter.

I totally understand what she’s going through, she’s a wonderful mom and lives for her children. Sometimes I feel so bad, I remember how hard it was having that many little ones at home and having to care for them. She’s the sweetest woman and her and her husband helped me so much when Willy was sick and in the hospital.

Celia was there for me at what I consider one of the lowest points of my life.

Willy had just had a stroke and was in the “Rehab” hospital for therapy. We had the three little ones, they were 5, 7 & 9, it was REALLY tough for me. Trying to be there for Willy for each of his therapy sessions and trying to keep a balance with seeing my kids. To this day I don’t know how I did it but I’m here, well actually I know it was God that brought me through, that's how I did it!

Various people were watching my kids, my mother in law and another friend of ours who had four kids themselves.

Willy was getting better, he still couldn’t walk or read, could barely talk, but we knew his foot was “out of the grave” at least. The kids and I were sitting in his room, talking when all of a sudden I see one of my kids scratching their heads. My heart sank, I just knew, I just KNEW. The family that was watching our boys had 3 girls. The girls were NOTORIOUS for having head lice.

I called to one of my boys and asked him to turn around so I could look at his head. I looked and I sobbed. I looked up at my helpless husband and sobbed. I immediately took my kids home and sat and sobbed. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know who to call to help me, I just didn’t know anything.

I reluctantly called Celia, I was embarrassed and in despair. I explained to her the situation, and asked if she could come over and help me. She immediately came over and helped me wash all of the clothes and beddings, bagged up all the toys and vacuumed while I went to the store for medicine and washed all the boys’ hair.

You know it might not seem like a big deal, but this point was the last straw. I had been so strong during this whole ordeal with Willy’s stroke, but this is the point that broke me. I just couldn’t take it, but thank God that my friend was there.

Not just there, but willing to help me with what I consider a nasty, disgusting, vile problem….BUGS! Never once did she wince, never did she gag, never did she show any signs of being uncomfortable, she just asked how she could help and she did.

I could tell her over and over again that what she did for me that night was probably the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. But she doesn't believe it. To her, it was nothing, no big deal, just helping out her friend and her pastor. But no one else was there, not my mother in law, not my sister in laws, she was.

This is the woman who is bringing another human being into this world, this kind, caring compassionate, humble woman who loves God with all her heart.

I pray everyday for God’s blessings upon her and her family. They truly are a blessing to me and to my husband’s ministry.

Te quiero mucho Celia! Gracias


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca, you make me want to go find Celia and give her a hug!

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's such a great post. Congrats to Celia!!!

10:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Rebecca! I wouldn't have known how to pick out lice then, but if you had shown me, I would have done it too! It's nice to know that the little things positive that people do really do make a lasting impression. Congrats to Celia, and what a wonderful friend she must be!

11:11 PM  

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