Sunday, July 23, 2006

A whale of a surprise!

We wanted to escape from the heat so we decided to head on out to the beach. Well, after driving in traffic for about two hours we finally got to Halfmoon Bay.

Every beach down the coast was FULL and we were turned away at every entrance.We ended up at Pescadero beach, where the boys had fun in the water, looked for crabs and found starfish. I'll post pics of those later :)

But my real treat was stopping on the way home to get some pics of a lighthouse. We decided to take the long way home and go down Hwy 1 towards Santa Cruz.

We stopped at the lighthouse and there were several cars and people standing on the cliff looking out into the ocean. They said there was a whale out there and if we looked long enough we'd see it. Well, we saw it! Thanks to a lady next to us, she offered to take my picture right at the time the whale came out of the water (I know there's a name for that but I'm really tired right now :) )

So here I am, looking ragged like I've just been at the beach all day, with a Whale jumping out of the water right behind me! Awesome I tell ya...just awesome :) When I was editing my pics I realized I also got a pic of a Dolphin or Porpus in the same frame!!!

Little Willy was the only child I could persuade out of the car to take a picture. They're all a bunch of party poopers! Plus I think they were all itchy from the sea water and had sandy cheeks - no one really wanted to move! LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How coolio is that?! Great pictures. And, you were wearing a sweatshirt yesterday? OMG! Lucky. :-)

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Rebecca, that is soooo cool! I've never been able to photograph the whales when I've seen them. I'm impressed!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Krista Lund said...

wow! more great pics! how amazing it must have been to see the whale :)

2:01 PM  

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