Monday, November 07, 2005

If I could only take the pain away

The one thing that I've had to deal with all my life is seeing loved ones suffer illness. Seeing the people you love hurting and in pain makes you feel like the most helpless soul on the face of the earth.

I can only imagine what Job’s wife went through.

Willy and I had a conversation the other day. He was telling me of a sermon he had heard on the radio about Job’s wife. He told me the preacher took a different approach to Mrs. Job. He said that her outburst toward her husband encouraging him to “Curse God and Die” was in his opinion, out of her pain of seeing her husband so sick and hurting. She loved Job so much and knew he was a righteous man that she couldn’t stand the thought or the sight of him suffering any longer.

I can relate.

It pains me to see the love of my life in so much pain. It hurts so bad to know he can’t sleep at night, and see him wrestling to rest. He can barely walk, but it hasn’t slowed him down. There are so many fears the both of us face, so much “reality” to have to deal with that it would seem so much easier to tell him to “curse God and die”.

He is a righteous man, never thinking of himself, which is what probably brought on this problem in the first place. He still has a heart for the lost and no matter what he’s feeling he’s always thinking about others. He continues to cook and clean for us, and he’s always trying to figure out how to feed those who are hungry.

My husband is the greatest man on the face of this earth. An amazing father, with an amazing heart. Tender and caring.

There is no sermon more powerful, no words more convicting or persuasive than the life he leads. My boys have the WORD living right in front of them. They SEE what it is like to persevere everyday, they SEE what it’s like to have obstacles in your way and yet push forward, without complaint.

I consider myself blessed to know that he will never give up, never will he choose to “Curse God and die”, he stands confident that God will bring him through, us through. And in the meantime, we have four young men, watching and learning the Peace and Strength of God.


Blogger Unknown said...

Rebecca, you just melt my heart with you words of wisdom. Your boys are not the only ones watching and seeing what an awesome dad they have, but also what an awesome mom they have. I've said before, that you really inspire me in so many ways. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers, and you know if you need anything, you just need to pick up that telephone, or click on that IM screen. I *heart* you! Sending many big ((((((HUGS)))))!

1:57 PM  

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