Friday, August 10, 2007


Wow. I'm in awe and pretty much overwhelmed at what is happening in my life.

1st off, I'm so proud of my husband. Words can't even express what I feel for him at this moment.
Yesterday was his last day of training for Home Hemo Dialysis and today was his first treatment at home. There were some technical difficulties and he couldn't run a treatment. He got everything hooked up but there was some problems with the power outlets in our house and the machine kept turning off.

But he got hooked up just fine, it was just a problem with the wall sockets.

2nd, I'm so proud of my little Alex. Throughout this summer Alex has waken up with Willy at 6:30am and taken the ride across the bridge to keep him company during his training. He wasn't forced to go, we didn't make him, he just wanted to. He'd make sure to tell dad at night to come and wake him up in the morning. On the couple of mornings when he wouldn't wake up, I told Willy to let him sleep, when he did wake up he was quite upset that dad left without him. He'd mope around the house all day long and I felt really bad.

Alex amazed the nurses and staff members at Wellbound. He'd sit all day long, reading, playing games and just keeping his dad company as he was trained and treated. I'm talking 6-7 hours per day. Not only did he keep his dad company, he also learned what Willy learned. He learned the mechanics of the machine. He learned how to prep and how to remove air from the lines. He learned safety precautions and how to help his dad if something were to happen to him. He's also helped him come off of his treatment.

I came home at lunch time, and as I was pulling in the nurse was pulling out. I walked in the house and Willy had to start disconnecting himself. I went to wash my hands and put some gloves on when I looked and Alex was already prepared to help and had his gloves on. (We have a supply of "small" gloves just for him) So I did what any good mom would do and grabbed my camera :)

Watching these two is just so amazing. Alex is so loving and caring towards his father and none of this has scared him. It doesn't gross him out and he has no reservations about helping...which I've always told the boys they didn't have to do anything they weren't comfortable with.

So, my entire house is changing. I have no room is a DISASTER, clothes and shoes ALL OVER the place. My living room is now half scrapbook room-half clinic. And I have child moving out next week...sigh.

Here's a quick pic of how many boxes of supplies we received this week and also pictures of Alex and dad.

It might seem graphic to some but this is my life, these are the changes I have to face.


Blogger Lisa Dones said...

Way to go Alex! what a guy! This just may be training for a future in the medical field~!

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this story and the pictures. I just admire your family so much - how strong, tough, grounded and loving everyone is. It makes me get teary-eyed thinking about Alex going with BW every day - he's so much older than his a good way. Hang in there, everyone. With such an awesome family, you guys can do anything!

11:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Go Alex!!! How awesome is that! I think those are the best photos I have seen in a long time! Love it! How wonderful that he went with his dad everyday!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rebecca, this post made me smile. your lil guy, alex is amazing :) TFS

7:02 PM  

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