Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Hill

Originally posted as a FB note on March 26, 2013

The Hill

March 26, 2013 at 11:31pm
I attended an awesome church service early this morning then tackled Harder Hill before work.

As I was huffing and puffing up the hill I couldn't help but think about Galgotha and the trek that Jesus made.

Battered, beaten, and bruised he walked up with the weight of the cross upon his shoulders all the while seeing his place of his execution.

Ridiculed, humiliated, scorned, betrayed and abandoned by the very people he loved, fed, helped and healed. Then to face the most devastating moment of his life - to be separated from His father and be utterly and completely alone.

Because of what Jesus did I don't ever have to be separated from God. I will never be alone. Because I accept what he has done for me, I can live a life without fear - even fear of death. He died so that I might live and his resurrection assures my freedom in this life.

I am alive and free because he chose to walk up that hill with the weight of the cross - my sins and my life upon him.

It is so very personal to me...this is my hope, my faith, my strength, my joy. This is why I am who I am. This is how I get through my incredibly difficult life. I am alive and free because of Jesus.


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