Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What Happened to my Destiny?

Originally posted as a FB note on February 25, 2013

What happened to my destiny?

February 25, 2013 at 10:12pm
I woke up one day a couple of years ago and thought "What happened to my destiny? My life wasn't supposed to be like this, it isn't supposed to be like this."

Then I decided to do something. I decided to walk into my destiny. I decided to change the things that I could change in my life and to accept, with grace, things that I couldn't change. I'm not all the way there yet, but I can actually see a clear path to my destiny - something I haven't been able to see in many, many years.

God. It's God. He has a plan for my life. He has a plan for your life. No matter how dark. How bleak. How hopeless your situation may feel...it's never hopeless. Look up. There is a God who cares. There is One who loves when it seems there is no love left in this world, in your life.

If you wake up one day and think to yourself "what happened to my life? It wasn't supposed to turn out like this." Ask God to show you where to take your next step and begin to walk into your destiny. The life he has called you to and promised for you is beyond comprehension. It won't always be easy, but it will most certainly be worth it. A life of fulfillment and peace when there is emptiness and turmoil all around, that's what happens when you walk into your destiny.

I have peace.


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